Hi there. Today's #50pFriday album is very late. This is due to unforseen madness at the Trunk digital place. It seemed like if you bought something it ran away across the internet. Well the problem has now been fixed. So, today's #50pFriday is Mel Torme's Comin' Home Baby! It was one of the first jazz albums I ever bought and was after it because of the classic dance number "Right Now" for ages. When I found it, to my delight I discovered that it's just a great vocal jazz LP, showing off not just Torme's super duper voice, but also some hip arrangements of standards and before you know it you'll be singing along too. Well that's what I do. Another reason I've chosen this is because the title track is on the bloody TV all the time at the moment on an advert about cars.

Also, all four #50pFriday albums are up on the same page in case you have missed any. Which some have, as I keep getting emails.

Here is the link.

Thanks for listening
