Yes, today you can take trip to the Caribbean with super-duper-weed-smokin'-bad-boy-film-noir-monster Robert Mitchum. He cut this killer album in the 1950s after making the movie Fire Down Below and having hung out in Trinidad with such Calypso masters as The Mighty Sparrow. On his return to Hollywood he made "Calypso - Is Like So", one of the more extraordinary and risky actor albums ever made, and he just about gets away with it. And I will confirm that Tik TIk Tik is an absolute fave. There is a link to this extraordinary album right here. I've also put up all the other #50p Friday album from the last month in the same place in case you've missed any.

There are a few of the Carl Orff Music For Children LPs left in store, and they can now be bought on line here.

A prize has just been sent to the person who drew a fine dish and spoon wanted poster as a result of the request for nursery rhyme drawings last week. Hopefully this and other drawings sent in will be posted up when I have two days free to do all the scanning. 

Until then please enjoy Robert MItchum and his slightly bizarre but most entertaining Caribbean trip. And let's hope it stops raining.

Thanks for listening
