I have no idea how to samba, or do the samba. I know how to listen to it though and today, as the sun is at last starting to shine, I thought I'd enhance it all musically with one of the great samba LP of all time. Jazz Samba by Getz and Byrd was a global phenomenon when it was first released and still stands up as a masterpiece today. It's simply seven cues of lazy musical joy that will enhance the pint of gin and tonic I'll be pouring down my neck at about 6.01pm this evening. And I find that as I as get slightly more sozzled, the album seems to musically join in. There is a link to the MP3s and WAVS here

Next week comes news of the latest daft Trunk album and possiby a bag collaboration, but that can wait until next week. In the meantime I would like to wish you a very happy and sunny weekend. I'm now headed towards the Spitalfields Record Fayre, I should be safe this time as I've had a recent tetanus injection and still have this to hand.

Thanks for listening.
