I didn't sleep much last night. There was a MASSIVE thunderstorm over London. It woke up everyone here - me, my wife, my kids, if we had a dog that would have been howling too. But it reminded of my favourite train LP (apart from the MMs Bar recording), and that's the classic "Railroading Under Thundering Skies". This is unique amongst all those train LPs you see, and features two giant stream trains (A Mikado and a Prarie Type 2-6-2) chuffing through storms. Oh yes. Bonkers. The album can be downloaded here for just 50p.

Before the thunderstorm and before I actually went to bed I watched this excellent film on-line, a killer 70s documentary about Newcastle skinheads (the Scotswood Aggro Boys) versus "The Hairies". Really worth watching and an extraordinary moment awaits you at about 22:30.

And today is record fayre day down at Spitlafields. Even one of the dealers I saw yesterday said he wasn't looking forward to it.

Thanks for listening
