Good morning. As I'm sure you know it's the summer holidays. I am being dragged off to Norfolk this weekend (typically just as all the rain starts). Then as soon as I'm settled I'm being dragged across the UK to deepest Cornwall. I'm very much looking forward to it all, but have left a heap of Trunk productions in mid-manufacture. There are two LPs and one 7" on the go, but more about those when I return in three weeks. Yes, THREE weeks. It's has to be three weeks as an American family are staying in my house for three weeks so I can't come back even if I wanted to. To combat this (and the fact that I may well be without computer) I have put up three weeks of #50pFriday music today: some classic Bill Evans and Jim Hall, some fab Lalo Schifrin and a very rare Klaus Doldinger Afro Cuban EP. It's all here. Although I'm not sure all are available as WAVs. No idea why.

Also, over the last few months I've been working on a peculiar tee shirt idea: buying old American tee shirts (Disneyland, sports tops, country music festivals etc) and overprinting them with large demonic images. The results are a run of tee shirts that are both unique and totally bizarre. There are a series of one-offs as well as simple prints of 18th century engravings. I've not seen anything quite like them. They are for sale here, click through the label and you will see them. I'm a real fan of the tie dye one, and the mental Minnie Mouse one.

Finally, there was also a tweet from a publisher this week which I wasn't expecting, about the up and coming Smallfilms book I've done. It has taken a year, has just gone off to print and will be out in October. This is very exciting. You can see the cover here.

I shall send you a dirty seaside postcard if I can find one in Norfolk. And does anyone want to look after my kids? They're quite naughty.

Thanks for listening
