good morning, I hope you are well. I'm fine but it's been a slightly annoying week here at the Trunk HQ as I was supposed to be collecting a huge shipping crate of Moogies Bloogies for release on Monday, and they never arrived. It seems like the repercussions of Record Store Day and the current vinyl gold rush is keeping pressing plants at full capacity and many vinyl releases are being delayed and bumped unexpectedly. So, we have to wait. I will have more news next week, but it's being pressed and you can read all about this unreleased Delia Derbyshire / Anthony Newley single here.

You can also read about the up and coming Bruce Lacey albums here and there are some daft new Trunk Recommendations here

And for today we have a #50pFriday album of Kitchen Sink soundtracks. They are rare, as many Kitchen Sink dramas had no soundtrack at all. But over the years what I have managed to dig up is now available, and the compilation is now 50p. The link is here.

Also, thanks for the many compliments about my French last week. Tres appreciated.

I'm now off to have a meeting with the most excellent Ian McMillan. He's the charming man from the Radio 4 programme called The Verb. He was the one who get very excited about The Seasons when I issued it. He's a lovely man. We'll probably end up talking about suggestive poetry. I do hope so.

Thanks for listening.
