Hello, I hope all is groovy. Today we have a fine and groundbreaking 50p album, the soundtrack to The Wild One. Yes, this seat-ripping score written by Leith Stevens saw in the dawn of crime jazz and still stands up as a hooky a clever album today. Also, as it's sort of the end of the month, the other 50p albums from September are all there again for 50p too. The link is here

Next week sees the release of The Art Of Smallfilms, a big hardback book I have put together all about the work of Oliver Postgate and Peter Firmin. The entire Smallfilms archive has been carefully photographed and documented, it all looks quite superb. Today I'm trying to get the publisher to let me have some copies at a good price so I can put them up on the Trunk website at a price lower than Amazon. I shall keep you informed. There was a pleasant little preview on this site this week.

Last week I sold out of Moogies Bloogies clear vinyl singles, but I went and got some more black ones from the warehouse yesterday so there are some more vinyl copies left if you missed out. They are here. I believe the ones ordered were sent out last night...and if you are wondering about the Bruce Lacey LPs, they seem to be stuck in a vinyl queue. So more news will follow about them.

I'm now not going to the Spitalifield Record Fayre because I bought far too many LP in the week, and also someone took a dog into the market yesterday (antiques day) and let it do a dump right in the middle of all the stalls. I've still not recovered.

Thanks for listening
