Hello, I hope all is groovy. As I mentioned in the last mailing my plan was to go to see the poppies at The Tower Of London. It was worth the visit and very moving indeed, especially when lots of people had written names of lost loved ones onto those little wooden crosses with poppies on and tied them to the railings surrounding the gardens. This has stayed with me and I remembered last night that I have a series of recordings taken from wartime that are really quite moving as well as slightly educational in an aeronautical style. In short it is a compilation of 33 tracks which include Spitfire sounds, a very rare V1 bomb recording, dogfights, Mustangs etc, but the highlight is the incredible "Lancaster Bombers and Nightingales" recording from 1942, which is as remarkable as it is harrowing. The album is worth getting for this recording alone. The link can be found here. There will be a donation to The British Legion as a result of this download.

Last night I was asked to go to Waterstones in Piccadilly tomorrow afternoon, apparently there is a book hoe-down of sorts and I'm there with the Smallfilms book. We are also trying to organise a special Bagpuss Christmas signing thing, but more info about that if I actually manage to organise it.  

I'm now flying down to Weat Ealing. There is a record shop there called Sounds Original. I will be going in it. I'm looking forward to getting soaking wet on the way as Mrs Trunk shut my favourite (and only) brolly in the car door last week, and now I have two favourite brollies, neither of which actually work as brollies.

Thanks for listening.
