Good morning, I hope all is groovy.
As many of you know, last week Greedbag's server went down, causing catastophe for hundreds of music labels. I do love computers. Anyway, it was all fixed by the Sunday, so that's alright then. Regardless of these ongoing Greedbag problems, I plough on with the entertaining #50pFriday releases, which today is a truly weird and rare one. 66 years ago the spiritual odd person G.I. Gurdjieff made some recordings. Reelased originally on a series of red wax 78rpm records, they were named by the date they were made - for example "May 20th 1949" etc. They were improvised on a harmonium (possibly) and as the music plays it can become a bit trance-like, which I think was Gurdjieff's principle. The album can be found here, and you can read about the mustachioed odd one here.
I'm now off to my office to try and clean it up a bit, as I've been going through LPs and removing things I've not listened to for 15 years and getting rid of pointless doubles, posters, books etc. Althought the office looks no different with loads of things gone. I might listen to this while I tidy up, it was broadcast on R4 a few weeks ago at a weird time on a Saturday night so I missed it.
Thanks for listening and thanks for your Greedbag patience.