Hello, I hope all is groovy. It's not bad here. Its been a funny week, what with trips all around the UK, a pavlova in the oven and some nudity.

This week's #50pFriday is all a bit topsy turvy, simply because I was sent a daft film by my wife yesterday which I watched. It is here. She doesn't normally send me such odd things. PLEASE NOTE - it has swearing. It is narrated by an Australian. It involves animals. You have been warned. 

Once I had stopped laughing (a sort of weird shock laughter thing  - and then I watched it again) I decided that something with a reasonably authentic African vibe might be vaguley approriate. Then I remembered the great 1958 film Roots Of Heaven, a film about elephant conservation (and oddly, the Customs And Excise chaps were out in force looking for contraband ivory at Spits yesterday). It's a classic score by Malcolm Arnold, and probably the first scores by him where I went "wow, this guy's pretty good with strings and the odd melody". I think the actual moment was when the track Minna's Dream started and then I was hooked. Whilst I was heavily into buying and listiening to film music I never went that mad for Malcolm's music, yes Bridge On The River Kwai is brill, as as the Inn of the Sixth Happiness, but more about that another time. In the meantime, here is the Roots Of Heaven, and wow was an original pressing of the LP hard to find.

Thansk to all who quickly bought the entire stock of the all new Pheon library compilation. I am currently trerying to wrestle a few more copies from my distributor. If I get some they will be availble here by tonight. 

I now have to drive to Essex.

Thanks for listening
