Hello, I hope all is groovy. I hope you had a good Easter. I have attempted to be on holiday this week but other things have stirred. However I did manage to take a photo of a weird neglected jetty in Suffolk and a shot of my little holligans climbing all over a Barbera Hepworth sculpture. I'm sure she would have been thrilled.

Today we have a true pioneering oddity for the #50pFriday LP, a groovy album of sound and tape manipulation by Jim Fassett, a tape engineer who simply couldn't help himself. The album brilliantly explains how tape manipulation works and how odd sounds can get when helped on their way. Superb. And at the time, groundbreaking. His debut LP called Strange To Your Ears can be found here

The long awaited and fully expanded Music Library book is now out and you have two purchasing options if you're interested. You can buy the hardback book, which is ten inches by ten inches by 248 pages fat. It is twice the size / content of the first book from ten years ago. OR you can get the SPECIAL EDITION of 500 copies, which is the same book BUT with a ten inch LP of superb library music from Selected Sound and KPM (including music from Mary Mungo And Midge, "Image" which we featured on this very mail out some weeks ago, and this monster too), the total of which if you were to buy all the original LPs from where the 9 tracks come from it would now cost you about £800 or more and I know because looked on Discogs last night. So, as well as the book and super sexy ten inch LP you get a special hand numbered hard slipcase, plus a specially printed mailer. I do not have either standard book or limited edition book for sale via Trunk but both can be seen and bought from Fuel now. The limited edition can only be bought from Fuel, or from the launch party on 7th April at Bethnal Green WMC, OR from me tomorrow at the Indy Record Fayre in Spitalfields!!! Yes, I shall be there, naked and selling old Trunk LPs, new Trunk LPs, the library book and dirty kisses for 50p. I am also taking some Original Peter bags, but more hot news about those groovy bag things next week.

I'd like to thank everyone who bought a 20,000 Leagues LP. We ran out, some more are coming in about now so any outstanding orders will be sent out today. My apologies for coming up short, we weren't expecting as many people to buy the LP that did. It has been most flattering. I also got sent this, which has to be one of the oddest uses of YouTube to date. Yes it's the set of 1954 20,000 Leagues Viewmaster slides on YouTube. With Viewmater SFX. And a charismatic squid. Bonkers. 

Thanks for listening
