Hello, I hope all is groovy. And yes, it's not Friday. But if I send this message out this coming Friday when it's all about this coming Thursday it would be pointless. And I thought I'd mentioned this before and I had, but I'd not made it very clear.

So, very quickly: there is a launch party for The Music LIbrary book this Thursday evening. It's at Bethnal Green Working Men's Club. It's free to come along, there is no guest list etc, and we will have copies of the limited ediiton slipcased Music Library book (the one with the super super ten inch LP) for sale. There will be interesting library music DJs - Martin Green, Jon Tye, Jerry Dammers etc, and it's also the birthday party of Fuel Publishing (they are 25 years old) so there will be a fascinating and intruiging bunch of people there (Russian criminals with tattoos, space dogs, record collectors, art folk etc). 

Anyway, I've told you now, so I can get on with my day and you can get on with yours.

Thanks for listening


PS The 50pFriday mailing may be a bit late on Friday due to my activities on Thursday.