Hello, I hope all is groovy. Things are OK here, although I can't quite work out today's weather so I am actually writing this in my pants.

Since last week's mailing there has been more sad 2016 news, the loss of Cassius Clay. When I heard I immediately googled my fave Ali film and watched it. It's a classic (pre Rumble In The Jungle), and has a killer musical intro by Miles Davis' producer Teo Macero. I tried to find the music for this about a decade ago and eventually gave up.

This week I found myself briefly in Cheltenham. What a fine spa town. I went into one of the old bookshops and found a very groovy book about post war British art. I went to pay, the man only accepted cheques or cash. I then found the groovy old record store called Vinyl Vault. Dug out some great little things in there, went to pay - he only accepts cheques or cash too. It was like a financial trip back to 1986. Brilliant. 

I also did a show on NTS playing religious / religiously influenced records. Jonny Trunk plays God can be heard here.

Anyone who follows me on Instagram (@jonnytrunk) will have seen I recently posted an image of the up and coming Trunk LP release. It's called Britxotica Goes East - a gathering of very obscure Persian Pop and Casbah jazz by British composers and artists. It's all very groovy indeed and if I get my skates on it will be available within the next couple of weeks. So to put us in the mood I thought I might head East for the next couple of weeks for the #50pFriday releases, and today we begin with Passion In The Desert. You may know it's a short kind of experimental novel by Balzac about a man, a woman, a sort of metomorphosis panther thing and believe it or not it was issued on vinyl with narration by none other than the voice of God, Ken Nordine. He narrates it beautifully and is accompanied by some very well place piano. Passion In The Desert read by Ken for just 50p can be found here. There will be some more Ken Nordine at another time too.

While we are on the subject of a little Balzacs, I suggest you watch this unexpected gem of a doc on the BBC of all places (much more of a C4 film really), about male enlargement. Some very funny scenes. And no, I'm not in the film.

Right, I now have to 1) wait for the plumber 2) wait for Martin Green to turn up 3) get dressed before any of that happens. Thanks for listening.
