Hello, I hope all is groovy. It's not that groovy here as I have another whopping hangover. It was my wife's Christmas party last night. Yes, in March. We went to dinner. I have a cold and so I couldn't taste anything. Yummy. 

So, back to the business in hand: today I have posted up the sequel to last week's brilliant 50p Friday, called Panic, Son Of Shock. I actually prefer this album, mainly because I love track four when a man is trying to outrun a train. The 50p Friday album can be found here.

I've had some emails this week about things I am making. Well I'll have some posters up for grabs next week. They look ace. Especially in kitchens.

In other news I was sent information about a weird event happening soon: a re-staging - 50 years on - of Pierre Henry’s electronic mass for the consecration of the Catholic Cathedral in Liverpool. It was never completed in time for the consecration in 1967. Information can be found here. Sounds bonkers.

As a result of this event I thought I'd wander the internet to try and find an old cool film about the construction of this extraordinary cathedral and somehow ended up at this, the Freedom Village hall opening ceremony. I'm really sorry. Something less bonkers - here is a recording of the set I played for the Boosey album launch recently. I could only play 12 library records.

I am now going to the Spitalfields record fayre. Today I'm trying the early bird / worm theory as there's alway a bloke there when I arrive with a fistful of things I'd have bought. And then he smuggly shows them to me (and no Simon, it's not you).

Thanks for listening
