Hello, I hope all is groovy. It's groovy here. In fact I am writing this in the style of Richard Branson circa mid 1970s, when he spent most of his working life lying in bed. It's late on Thurday night, and I am in bed writing this and then planning on reading the new Jimmy Webb memoir which I won this week for coming second in the local music pub quiz.

So, for today we have a fine 50p Friday album from the pen of the mighty Armando Trovajoli. He might well have written it in bed too, as it's all pretty laid back. It's called Softly, and Trovajoli is on the old joanna, with a couple of mates providing drums, guitar and the ocassional flute. A great record, by one of THE Italian maestros, and rarely heard. Here for just 50p

Here is a stupid film I found about a bloke walking backwards in Tokyo which is then played forward. Old trick but my kids liked it. And two of my chums buggered off to Tokyo this week, and I am well jel.

Also, while I was lying here earlier I started watching some slow TV. I really like slow TV, because other TV is all a bit fast. Here is a lovely flight over the Alps. It works a bit better without the noise of the props.

In the morning I shall be choosing a stupid jumper to be filmed in (that may take a while), as someone is making a doc about percussion and that and I have to speak about it for a bit. 

Thanks for listening.
