hello, I hope all is groovy, and festive. It's getting that way here but it has been a hard week of mail order madness.

Thank you to everyone who has ordered from ye olde Trunk shoppe over the last few weeks. All orders have been sent so hopefully everything will arrive in time for the big day. 

There is no 50p offering today, although there is still a mass of alternative festive joy here.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone on this mailing list for being a part of my weekly routine and making my "work" here at Trunk Records a daft joy. And also to thank anyone who has bought anything from me and the label over the past 12 months. 

I wish you a very Happy Christmas and I intend to annoy you again in 2019. 

Until then here's the rather gross Fanny Cradock preparing a turkey, OR the rather marvellous Oliver Reed and Michael Crawford in the rarely seen The Jokers by Michael Winner. 

I'm now off to Spitalfields Record Fayre for the last time this year, then into the West End to finish my Christmas shopping. Also, it's my mum's 78th birthday today and I'm meeting her for lunch. Hopefully she's paying.

Thanks for listening
