Hello, I hope all is groovy. It's pretty groovy here apart from the havoc being caused every morning by a leaky shower.

One of my heroes, Stanley Donen passed way on 21st Feb, so today I have made the music of Bedazzled, a film he directed, available for 50p. There will be more Donen related music in the not too distant future. But this week all eyes are on Britten (not because of Brexit) and Prokofiev, with the classic pairing of The Young Person's Guide To The Orchestra and Peter And The Wolf. I remember hearing this LP as a child, and it still has a strange effect whenever I hear it again. Every home should have a copy of this classic educational twofer. It can be found here for just 50p. Incidentally, Young Person's Guide was used extensively throughout Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom.  

In other news I was sent this awesome postman film this week. There is a superb jazzy track at the beginning (that repeats throughout) which I know I have somewhere (it also sounds a bit speeded up), so any ideas as to what it might be do let me know. It has been annoying me the whole week now. Here is the Penrith Postman short film. Click the "Watch For Free" button.

Thanks to those who came down to Spiritland last Saturday. We will be playing a further five hours of library music again at Spiritland South Bank again on March 31st from 1pm to 6pm, which incidentally is Mother's Day and also the start of British Summer time.

I'm now off to the Spitalfields Record fayre even though I really don't need any more records.

Thanks for listening
