Hello I hope all is groovy. It's pretty groovy here.

It's early and I've just been going through an auction list of things for sale at the primary school fundraising night this evening. Some good gear up for grabs; a Martin Parr photo, someone to come and draw where you live, three nights in Camber Sands, 4 nights in a camper van. I mention all this as I am the auctioneer tonight and I'm doing a bit of homework. The auction is at 9:30pm, proceeded by a drag artist called Visa Reasons.

Now, when I heard this - Visa Reasons - I thought that it's not one of the better drag queen names I've come across - like Visa D'Klein, Britney Ferry, Annie Depressant, Dixie Normous etc. Let's hope it's a good act. But it lead me perfectly to a digital compilation I made many moons ago called Drag Queen Classics!!!. in my opinon, they are perfect for a drag lip sync routine - I mean "The Trolley Song"? Hell yeah. "The Swelling Of The Organ"? Hell Yeah again. So some very entertaining numbers indeed - 22 in fact including some rare British film cues.  All can be found here

In other news there is the once a month Jonny Trunk / Martin Green 5 hour library music set at Spiritland on The South Bank this coming Sunday. 1pm to 6pm, free to get in, do come along - special guest is DJ FORMAT!!!

No film link this week, instead a site that I was sent to by Jim from Ghost Box - called natural Reader it's a site where you type in a sentance - I just typed "My name Is Jonny Trunk" and then you get it to read out what you have written in a variety of languages, but still in English. Spanish Diego is awseome. It's far funnier than I've made it sound. Try it out here.

I'm now off for my first ever personal training session. Apparently I have to do some boxing and skipping with DJ Dom. I suggest everyone avoid the Stoke Newington Common area until 10am.

Thanks for listening.
