Morning, I hope all is groovy. All fine here I think, although we do have massive postal probs in the area. 

I believe the pandemic has taken an extreme toll on the poor Hackney posties, to the extent that we are no longer getting post regularly. "The Week" magazine which we used to get on Fridays, is now arriving Wednesdays. In fact I spotted a postman on Wednesday with one of those red trolley things that was so overloaded he was struggling to push it. He told me that he had 5 days worth of underlivered post to post. And then, instead of pushing the hard to push trolly, he just empited everything out onto the pavement and started putting it in piles along a wall. It gave the road WhatsApp group lots of new material.  

I'm possibly right in thinking that this is happening all over the UK. So many people I have sent things to have not got them yet. Like all the things bought last week in the Trunk Sale. They are coming. The post is very slow.  

In other slow news an album I sent off last April to get made is still not arriving any time soon. I donlt know where it is. But Bartleby did just get voted archival issue of the year by the writers at Shindig Mag. Fist punches air. 

Also, my dry January has started to suffer from a little light drizzle, if you know what I mean. And I did make a weird pasta soup last night.  

More news of a new Trunk book soon. Books are currently taking about a quarter of the time to make than records do.  

The OST Show tomorrow features music from Sidney Poitier films (RIP, what a total GOD), Peter Bogdanovich (RIP, what a GOD) and some Polly Maggoo, as Dorothy MacGowan died last week too. 

I'm now off to watch a load of people swim in the local reservoir. I'm actually thinking of joining them. Then to a party at Downing Street. 

Thanks for listening as always
