hello, I hope all is well. All pretty fine here, kids back to school, dog not getting out of bed, fridge has sprung a leak, two woodpeckers fighting over my nuts in the garden. It is these simple pleasures that stop me going mad as the world goes mad. 

So, now the RSD 2022 announcements have been made I am actually allowed to tell you about the all new Jonny Trunk book. It's The A-Z Of British Record Shop Bags. Yes, record shop bags. Nearly 600 of the little paper and plastic things from the 1950s onwards, all in a brand new book all about record shops. Like a weird history of the high street and the low street. Available in a mega special slipcased edition only at record shops and only on RSD. There will also be an even more mega super special edition via me / Trunk, but more about that closer to the time. The books were supposed to be delivered to me three weeks ago, but instead I got a palet of this funny art woman book that cost way more money and no one decided to own up.  I have been told they are arriving today...

Also there is a Trunk LP repress on its way, more about that next week. It has only take one year and one week to get made. 

I've had quite a few emails about the all new Jonny Trunk Patreon Show. People asking what it's like. So I've made the first show available to hear for people interested at the bottom of this page. If you like what you hear there is one new a week if you sign up. The fourth show PLUS the bonus show all drop today for subscribers.  

I am playing groovy music and that at THE RIO cinema this coming Wednesday as they are showing the rarely screened Qui Et Vous Polly Magoo. All details here.  

Before that you can see this strange film written by Gordon Honeycombe, the newsreader you possibly don't remember. 

I'm now off to go and wait for my book and my record to arrive in the cold warehouse. Then I have to come back and make a warm pudding as we have guests coming to dinner tonight. I make a mean pudding, and by this I do not mean it's little and you don't get much. 

Thanks for listening as always. 
