Morning, I hope all is well. All well here as I have been open water swimming several times this week, in my jonny trunks. 10ish degrees. Bloody freezing. Life affirming. I promise I shall not become an open water swimmimg bore and will not mention it again. 

In other news my wonderful wonderful wife is stuck in wonderful wonderful Copenhagen. She went to do a conference thing and her flight back was cancelled. As a result my sons and I have all be walking about the house in our dirty pants and eating pizza with no plates. 

My all new record shoppe tees and that are being printed today and next week. I can barely contain myself. This new bunch includes the Parrot Records bag, as drawn by a young Savage Pencil, when he would have been slightly less grumpy than he is now. 

This is the funniest thing I have seen in months. Closest I can get to an April fool. 

I'm now off to freeze with all my clothes on at the Spitlafields Record Fayre.  

Thanks for listening as always



New Patreon Show drops today - odd time signatures, package holidays, multi-intrumental oompah loompas and more.