Morning, I hope all is well. Things lsihgtly unusual this morning. I woke up on the sofa with the dog.

So, I went to The Mildmay Club last night to vote in the club's Vice President's election. Forgot my members card so could not vote (have to go back tonight with it) but remained at the club talking to the various members hanging about the bar - including Richard Boon (punk legend), Pete Brown (writer of fascinating booze books), the Stoke Newington Literary Festival bunch, Travis Elborough (writer about buses, vinyl, parks etc), two ugly sisters (there is a panto planned this year) and various other local fun people. I got home at 1am to room spins and a touch of shame.         

And I feel even worse now. 

Apart from that, little to report.

This made me laugh out loud several times this week. Sorry it's on twitter. 

I'm now staggering off to see if swimming in cold water makes my hangover better or worse. And yes, I know I spelt "slightly" wrong, but it seemed suitable that way this morning. 

Thanks for listening.



New Patreon Show drops today. All the sounds in my head and more.