Morning, I hope all is well. All fine here, little to report. Actually I did go to the book launch of DJ Food's first book, all about psychedelic oil lamps. I met a woman there who had written a book about British nudist colonies. We had a few small things to talk about. While I was out at the launch the teen taught the 12 year old how to cook a pasta dish, but failed to teach him how to wash up afterwards. 

As I write this, the small dog is savaging a big smurf. And we are all having an argument about the forthcoming half term week of annoyance. 

And yes, the Groovy Fayre is only one week and one day away - records, books, vintage tees, clothes, posters, rock and roll x-decs, bars, snooker, evening music quiz, late night DJs, and even a live band late in the afternoon. Apparently they are the 69th best cover band in the UK. They will be doing some Felt. And Lawrence has a stall, so he will be thrilled. Possibly.    

Here is a cat meets Billy Eilish thing - Kitty Eilish, which is really quite something. I've watched it about ten times, and that's just this morning.  

l'm now off to freeze my nuts off in the large water up the road, then shiver my way through the Spitalfields Record Fayre wearing just my towel. 

Thanks for listening as always



New Patreon Show drops today. Includes bedside Japanese stuff, 78 Woodbines and Huggy Bear. Of course.