Morning, I hope all is well. All fine here. Small teen has managed to get detentions at school this week. The apple does not fall far from the tree.

In other news I have been organising the all new Trunk Xmas larks over the last few days. Tee shirts, a new vinyl LP (unreleased Kirchin), some sweatshirts, an Xmas mix, and more stuff I reckon. News about it all by the end of the month. I have slightly stepped out of my comfort zone with one tee shirt being based on some old pottery. From 1890. Reckon it might just work. 

I had a really good email this week from one of the Patreon show listeners. On one of the 93 shows (so far) he spotted an electronic cue I'd played by Giampiero Boneschi, that originally turned up on this super wow clip from Space 1999. It gets no better.

Also, if you are about on Sunday, there is a the launch of a new Morricone song compilation from CAM Sugar at The Standard Hotel opposite Kings Cross. It's a free event, from 5pm onwards, Cherrystones is playing records and I am being interviewed about it even though I have had nothing to do with it. Maybe see you there... see invite below. 

I've now got to go and tidy my office. Granny (my mother in law) is coming over and she will be sleeping on a put up bed in my office. But my office is currently looking more like a record fair than a bedroom so I have my work cut out. 

Thanks for listening as always



New Patreon Show drops today. Includes some Viking stuff from A school in Wembley
