Morning, I hope all is well. All good here - got asked to make Lasagne Soup by the teens this week. The man who runs the Italian deli up the road here (street name "Gnocchi Man") nearly threw me out of his shop for suggesting such a dish existed. Then I showed him the online activity and explained to him this is the kind of radical stuff now happening on TikTok. Made the soup. Oddly delicious. Like runny lasagne.   

Last night I went to see this moon cinema experience / immersive thing which was quite good apart from the music. Basically a bunch of incredible NASA moon photos blown up to extraordinary size. Quite spooky really. And not a Clanger in site.    

Thanks to all who have ordered from the Trunk Xmas shop - all orders if not already with you are being processed right now. By the way, this is pretty much the last day to buy anything from the Trunk Shop to guarantee it in time for Xmas. 

Here is 9 hours of festive "piped" department store music to drive you mad. I went mad shortly after the first track. Thanks to Jonny7 for the link. 

I am now off to swim in very cold water and then to the last 2023 record fayre at Spitalfields which will be oddly be colder than the water. Nothing to do with the frosty dealers, it's the hollow basement. 

Thanks for listening as always



New Patreon Show drops today, Includes a Japanese Joy Division song