Morning, I hope all is well. All good here. It has been a funny week for lots of reasons, one being teen one coming down and claiming he had "tonsil stones". We'd never heard of 'tonsil stones" and we just think this is what teens do now - they look at themselves in the mirror, see something a bit odd (but not really) - like a spot on their tonsils, and then go down a doctor / medicine / health internet wormhole and come up with stuff like "tonsil stones". We suggested some lemon and honey and no internet. He's fine today. Obviously.

In other news there was no mailing last week because at 3am last Friday in the middle of Storm Henk the entire street's electricity supply fused because of all the rain - apparently it dribbled down into one of the new lampost car charger things (which are never installed that well according to National Power) and shorted out the main supply box for the entire street. The power was only fully restored by 8pm. No power, no mailing.  

Today, with power, I am launching The Trunk January Sale. I am selling loads of stuff at half price or slightly less. LPs, sweatshirts, tees, cards, stuff. ALL HERE ALL CHEAP. Some items I only have one or two of. So be quickish.  

For a film this week here is a bright, gay and terribly cheerful film all about Soho and in colour. It really is quite something.  

I'm now off to check myself for tonsil stones.

Thanks for listening



New Patreon Show Episode 102 drops today. Includes wrestling.