Morning, I hope all is well. All groovy here. Spent the week with very cold feet after swimming in the stupidly cold reservoir.

Also, this week we have moved on from tonsil stones - and may I add that I had two emails last Friday from two other parents on this list with teens with exactly the same tonsil stone issues. Issues which all went away about an hour afterwards. So this week we have moved on to male facials in the kitchen. Teen one comes in, sits at the table with a bowl of boiling water and puts a towel over his head to steam away his blackheads - just like my teen sister used to do in the 1980s. I reckon he's in love.   

Anyway, a BIG thanks to all the people who bought stuff in the Trunk Sale. Much appreciated. Might be some stuff left

Here is a date for the dairy - the very next MR VINTAGE FAYRE is on Sunday April 21st. At The Mildmay Club. And that evening at the Mildmay I am putting on a very special one-off musical event, more news shortly. It will be fabulous. And free. 

Here is a film with Herbie And The Headhunters. I watched it last night after I listened to one of his weird live LPs. 

I'm now off to the Spitalfield Record Fayre. It won't be as good as the Spitalfields Antiques Fayre yesterday where I bought two empty 1970s Sainsbury Own Label yoghurt pots, and one was the nut yoghurt one which was my absolute fave. It's going to very hard to better that this year. I may have peaked a bit early.   

Thanks for listening as always,



New Patreon Show Drops today (number 103) - down a library worm hole.