Morning, I hope all is well. All good here - and the news is Teen Two (coming up for 14 in March) has just got a paper round.

As a result I've had weird flashes of the classic Paperboy game running through my head, and I went out with him at 7am on Monday to observe and possibly help on his first round. All was fine but I did have to show him that we were in the UK and not the USA and therefore papers had to be put though letterboxes and not thrown over hedges. 

In other news the all new Trunk book is up for pre order right now. It will arrive here at the end of March and will be sent out the same week, so end of March or first week in April. The book is called Audio Erotica and is my collection of old and rare Hi Fi brochures. Dating from the 1950s to the 1990s, they cover the development of home listening, from the post-war make your own speakers / platter to dawn of the music centre and all the way on to the Walkman and CD player, alphabetically starting at 3A and going all the way to Zenith. 240 pages in all, some brilliant long lost images, groovy pics, odd things (a music wheel?), ladies with stereos, lots of killer fonts, strange unexpected art direction - it's graphic, nostalgic, informative, and it has taken an age to put together as the brochures are so hard to find, well the good ones are for sure. If you have any of the other Trunk/Fuel books you will know what lies ahead... 

So, I have the Trunk exclusive edition that comes with a specially made slipcase, plus 4 postcards AND the option to get a lucky dip brochure from my collection. I only have 400 copies of the special edition, Fuel have 100. There are only 500 slipcase editons in total and only availble via us. Available for pre order right here, where you can see some photos of the book and fab inside spreads to give you a good idea of how super cool it actually is.

If you're not interested in that, here is a short film about Jeremy Beadle's 1972 music festival in Bickershaw, Lancs. Totally brilliant. 

I'm now off to the cold water, then to the Spitalfields record fayre, followed by a visit to a post punk's loft to see his old rotting LPs. Can't wait!

Thanks for listening as always



New Patreon Show drops today. 109. Trip to Antarctica.