Morning, I hope all is well. All good here. Half term is nearly over. There have been some interesting moments...

Teen two (currently about 5ft 2 with a 26 inch waist) is now wearing trousers made for larger man - like 38 inch waist. And sort of getting away with it when teamed with a weird hoody thing, big boots and a belt that has to go around him twice. Meanwhile teen one is now cutting loaves of bread from the middle outward (so cutting the load in half, so you have two big halves of bread, then cutting slices backwards from there), which is something I have never ever seen before. Any advise welcome.

In other news I have just sent off the all new / next strange Trunk LP, which will be back in about eight weeks, and next week will I be gearing up with the new Ron Geesin maths masterpiece. More news as and when. Or next week.  

There was a suprising response to the groovy promo film about Cumbernauld (like I had no idea Gregory's Girl was shot there). So much so I have been sent another one called Cumbernauld Hit, this time with Fenella Fielding in it! 

DONT FORGET... only just over week to go now....

The date: April 21st. The place: The Mildmay Club N16

10am - 5pm: The Mr Vintage Fayre - 40 of the top vintage menswear dealers all in one amazing building. FREE ENTRY. WOW! Amazing clothes, cheap beer, super atmosphere, funky things to see, posters, records, works of art, trainers, lovely food, snooker and me at the door!  

7pm - Midnight: The E-lec-tronic Moogy-Woogy Sunshine Pop Psyche Rock Post Punk Library Celebration - a special night of superb DJs (Richard Fearless, Julian House, Martin Green, me etc) playing incredibly groovy records in memory of the great Fraser Moss who was our super chum and a great record collector. FREE ENTRY. WOW AGAIN!!!! 

I'm now off to go and start putting Mr Vintage and Moogy-Woogy posters all around my postcode and getting a few tuts as I do it. 

Thanks for listening as always



New Patreon Show drop today - Number 115, with Grotbags.