Morning, I hope all is well. All fine here. Thanks to all who wrote back regarding the bread issue last week. There were more bread issues this week.

Last Sunday I got a bit of a craving for focaccia. First of all I got into trouble spelling it, then got into more trouble making it. I wanted to make some because I was really desperate for a focaccia and ham and salad and mayo and possibly pickle-based sandwich, and my local bakery sells small slabs of focaccia for a whopping £3. And I reckoned I could make a whole big one for about half that. Well...

...after three attempts at making it using various simple but long recipes (and two bags of flour) what should have been a tray full of soft, bubbly, exciteable dough was nothing more than flat, lifeless gew / glue. So, I changed tack and by Tuesday, having made some Italian bean soup and changed up to Italian flour and Italian yeast we had lift off. Big fluffy focaccia that was eaten by my teens in minutes. Ended up costing me about £12. 

In other less exciting news the Ron Geesin LP will now be available early next week as my metadata was incorrect. No idea why. And I'm not going to even find out why. Here is a teaser

Today's film features Salvador Dali making a magical sculpture out of foil. Do not be fooled, he's doing it backwards.

This is a BIG WEEKEND for me - this coming Sunday at The Mildmay Club we have:

10am - 5pm: The Mr Vintage Fayre - 40 of the top vintage menswear dealers all in one amazing building. FREE ENTRY. WOW! Amazing clothes, cheap beer, funky things to see, make your own tee shirt, posters, records, works of art, trainers, lovely food, snooker and me at the door!  

7pm - Midnight: The E-lec-tronic Moogy-Woogy Sunshine Pop Psyche Rock Post Punk Library Celebration - a special night of superb DJs (Richard Fearless, Julian House, Martin Green, me etc) playing incredibly groovy records in memory of the great Fraser Moss who was our super chum and a great record collector. FREE ENTRY. WOW AGAIN!!!! 

If you are about please do come along. Free entry, groovy people, lovely atmosphere. 

I'm now off to get my outfits ready for the two events mentioned above. And if I have time I may well go to the Spits Record Fair to ask for further fashion advice. 

Thanks for listening as always



New Patreon Show drop today - Stop, look, listen, think.