Morning, I hope all well. All groovy here, if not a little quite (and a lot tidier) as teen one is somewhere in Europe on various interrail trains. Of the few reports / texts we've had back the best was from Berlin where the youth hostel they'd booked was home to a host of crackheads.
In other news I have a holiday booked for the week after next, so in order to get "beach body ready" (fat chance) I have been fasting each morning this week, only consuming food / coffee etc after midday. However this whole week of fasting has been ruined by a large night of boozing on Wednesday (football) and Thirstday (yes, Thirstday) at the weird pop video night with Tim Pope at The Mildmay. Amazing. Fattening. Never knew he made this with Neil Young.
Thanks for the various emails and messages about the Persephone LP and the hype sticker. Much appreciated. Glad you got the joke.
Here is a video I was told about after the football on Wednesday, a Japanese woman playing Michael Jackson on a double bass. Not your normal post football chat, but that's how we roll here in N16.
I'm now off to Margate. Hopefully I shall arrive there just in time to be able to eat something.
Thanks for listening as always. And come on England
New Patreon Show drops today. Special guest, Kevin Keegan of course.