Morning, I hope all is well. All fine here, Teen One is in Thailand drinking 6 beers for £1. I will admit to shedding a tear as he left for the airport. I will miss his trail of mess for sure. 

In other news RIP Roy Ayres. I remember hearing "You And Me My Love" for the first time in about 1983 and it was like being hit by a musical juggernaut. Here he is on Soul Train looking and sounding just tooo good. And here he is in the late 1960s as part of the Herbie Mann Group at Newport. And yes, everybody loves the sunshine. 

I have a question: I am thinkng of making a very limited edition baseball hat. It will be a classy Trunk thing. And probably quite funny too. Would there be any takers? If so I will get some made for sure. I only ask as I don't wear hats so have no idea of the desire for such things. Although I do see a lot of people in hats. Let me know if you have time. 

I am now steaming into the weekend with Mr Vintage coming up on Sunday and therefore with a "to do" list as long as a vintage gaberdine jacket sleeve. Maybe see you there at The Mildmay - free to get in after 10am... bar open at midday, a great day out! 

Thanks for listening as always



There is a flyer below for the Listening Room Events at Strand 180 with the Trunk dates and a cheesy picture of me. Book tickets here  

Patreon Show drops today. There will be Roy Ayres sounds next week...