Hello, I hope you had a super Easter weekend. Mine was a mixture of naughty children, a two hour traffic cue just West of Stonehenge and a box of chocolates complete with fluffy bunny ears.

For today's #50Friday album I have one of my favourite terrible vinyl experiences, which features performances by the legendary operatic "star", Florence Foster Jenkins. Partially deaf (due to the effects of Syphilis) she was possibly unaware of her lack of pitch, tone, timing and phrasing. The results are unique, astounding and entertaining. It's a total terrifying bargain for just 50p and she can be found, wearing one of her own creations on the cover art, right here.

Talking of terrible outfits, I now have go and find one for a fancy dress 50th tomorrow. The theme is "1965". so I may well go as Maria from The Sound Of Music as the film was released that year. If I manage to find an outfit worthing of sharing I shall upload it to my @jonnytrunk instagram account.

Also, I have been made aware of some recent problems accessing greedbag. I've been told by the people at greedbag this maybe a "security setting thing" whatever that means (I believe they changed them a few weeks ago) and apparently there have been some problems if you have a very old browser. So if you do encounter some problems with access, a change to Firefox, or Chrome or something like that might help. So my apologies if the normal but slightly unpredictable greedbag service has been trickier than the normal tricker service.   

Have a super weekend, thanks for listening
