Edward Williams - Life On Earth - Music from the 1979 BBC TV Series

Life On Earth - Music from the 1979 BBC TV Series

Edward Williams

Formats Tracks Price Buy
12" Vinyl Album 16 tracks £11.99 Out of stock
CD Album 16 tracks £9.99 Out of stock
Download Album (MP3) 16 tracks £4.99
Download Album (WAV) 16 tracks £4.99


Edward Williams - Life On Earth - Music from the 1979 BBC TV Series

Yes, I wonder if it gets any better than this. A classically trained experimental composer makes wildlife music (and lots of it for underwater organisms) for orchestra, then puts it through a VCS 3, like you do. Magic in every way possible.


12" Vinyl Album (JBH034LP)
  1. Track 1
  2. Track 2
  3. Track 3
  4. Track 4
  5. Track 5
  6. Track 6
  7. Track 7
  8. Track 8
  9. Track 9
  10. Track 10
  11. Track 11
  12. Track 12
  13. Track 13
  14. Track 14
  15. Track 15
  16. Track 16
CD Album (JBH034CD)
  1. Track 1
  2. Track 2
  3. Track 3
  4. Track 4
  5. Track 5
  6. Track 6
  7. Track 7
  8. Track 8
  9. Track 9
  10. Track 10
  11. Track 11
  12. Track 12
  13. Track 13
  14. Track 14
  15. Track 15
  16. Track 16
Download Album (JBH034DD)
  1. Life On Earth begins in the Sun's energy
  2. First Fossils - Blue Greens - Ciliates
  3. Comb Jellies - Hydromedusae - "Birth" of a Medusa - Gymnopedie for Jellyfish
  4. Coral Larvae - Arabesque for Flatworms
  5. The Giant Clam - Slow dance for Nudibranchs - Glaucus and Valla
  6. The sex life of the Fern - Spores, fertilization and growth - Pine cones and the Petrified Forest
  7. Coming out music - The Leaf Bug - the Spiny Leaf insect sheds it's skin - Cocoon spinners
  8. Fish of the Sea - Shoals and loners on the reef
  9. Eusthenopteron and the Primeval Swamp
  10. Nile Crocodile family - Oral transport for the young
  11. Mating dance for Prairie Garter Snakes
  12. Birds in flight - Stork - Fairy Tern - Sooty Tern - Tropic Bird - Frigate Bird - Albatross
  13. A Gullimaufry of small mammals - Duckbilled Platypus swimming - Desman underwater - Pygmy or (Silky Furred) Anteater and baby - Flying Foxes - the Several Punces
  14. The Big Mammals - Elephant and their ancestors - Lion Hunt - Wildebeeste stampede - Lion Kill
  15. Japanese Macaques - Warm baths in a snowscape
  16. Man - A Choice for the future of Life On Earth?