The Art Of Smallfilms
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The Art Of Smallfilms | £22.00 |
The Art Of Smallfilms
Large 300+ page hardback book examining in great detail and very fine photgraphy the archive of Smallfilms. Smallfilms was started by Oliver Postgate in the late 1950s to make TV for children that was better than the "pretty thin stuff" that was on offer at the time. Over the next few decades and with the help of Peter Firmin, Smallfilms created Noggin The Nog, Bagpuss, The Clangers, Ivor the Engine, Pogles Wood and more besides. This book examines the exceptionally large archives kept by Firmin and the Postgate family, and reveals the exquisite models, puppets, drawings, painting, scripts, machinery and ideas that brought some of the most charming ideas for children's TV to life. Book concept and edited by Jonny Trunk. Intro by Dan Postgate. Foreword by Stewart Lee. And yes, the purchase price is cheaper than on Amazon.